When will masks become inessential?

Covid-19 protective three ply mask

With the quarantine rules easing further on the 17th of May, we are one step closer to seeing a glimpse of what our lives used to be like before this pandemic. However, viruses constantly mutate, and new variants of the same virus occur over time. Scientists believe that these new variants may cause a threat to our ongoing vaccine program. As the Indian variant doubled in cases in the UK, some experts think that this variant may become the dominant one in England. With 35 million citizens have had their first jab of the vaccine, the UK has a promising roadmap to herd immunity. However, this does not make us immune to different variants of the virus, which the vaccine might not work against. The only solution seems to point in the direction of the herd immunity of the entire world to stop new deadlier variants from emerging. 

Until we achieve herd immunity, wearing masks, sanitising our hands and keeping a safe distance from others will be a part of our lives. To ensure that we and those around us are safe, we will continue with the lifestyle changes that the pandemic has brought to us provide sanitising products and masks on our website.

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